Welcome to join our completely NEW and IMPROVED on – line class about how to improve SPEED, MOTIVATION and DRIVE and how to set GREAT BASICS when starting with AGILITY training. THIS class has been completely RENOVATED (with videos and exercises) in AUTUMN 2018!

SPEED and MOTIVATIONAL online class, is a class that goes BACK to BASICS and helps you set great  FOUNDATIONS on a very FUN and  MOTIVATING way. Due to its program, this class is not appropriate only for dogs that are lacking speed or motivation, but  for ALL DOGS, with which you want to set great FOUNDATIONS and give them best possible start  in agility.

When it comes to any kind of agility training (and specially  when it comes to improving SPEED and MOTIVATION),  it is really important that you KNOW and UNDERSTAND YOUR dog and that you know how to design training and handling based on his INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS. Because training/handling your less motivated or more sensitive dog, should be in many ways COMPLETELY DIFFERENT then when training/handling your powerful, crazy  or (over)excited dog. And that is exactly what this class teaches you: to understand DIFFERENCES between  powerful/less powerful dogs  and to optimally DESIGN training for every INDIVIDUAL dog in order to give them what they need the most and to keep them in the OPTIMAL STATE of MIND.

Because of all that, this class is not oriented ONLY on how to improve speed and motivation, but also on what should be the most important  DIFFERENCES when TRAINING, HANDLING and REWARDING  crazy/powerful dogs vs. less motivated/more sensitive ones. With every exercise, you will get examples how this exercise should be trained differently based on the character of the dog you are training with. This will really help you understand  how important it is to KNOW your dog, and how much you can influence on  dog’s performance with how you design training- from when you first start with foundations and SINGLE OBSTACLE TRAINING, to later when you start running and HANDLING courses.

Like mentioned, this class goes back to basics and will help you set great FOUNDATIONS regardless of the dog you are training with.Through 6 thoroughly designed lessons we will:

  • improve your dog’s PLAY DRIVE by individually developing playing that is best for YOUR INDIVIDUAL dog (regardless, if you have companion breed, working breed, dog with “littermate syndrome”, dog that doesn’t like playing, dog that is crazy for playing,…).
  • learn how to successfully include ALTERNATIVE MOTIVATORS into your training
  • learn how to get every INDIVIDUAL dog in the OPTIMAL STATE OF MIND (the most important PRE-STEP before even starting with any training and super important topic when coming to COMPETITION performance)
  • set great foundations for TURNS (adapting TEACHING and HANDLING  to every INDIVIDUAL dog)
  • set great foundations for “OUT” -(adapting TEACHING and HANDLING  to every INDIVIDUAL dog)
  • set great foundations for “IN” (adapting TEACHING and HANDLING  to every INDIVIDUAL dog)
  • set great foundations for “SOFT turns” (adapting TEACHING and HANDLING  to every INDIVIDUAL dog)
  • set great foundations for TUNNEL performance (adapting TEACHING and HANDLING  to every INDIVIDUAL dog)
  • learn how to CORRECTLY perform FRONT CROSS
  • learn how to CORRECTLY perform BLIND CROSS
  • learn how to CORRECTLY perform REAR CROSS
  • learn about importance of MOTIVATIONAL PUSH when handling
  • learn about how to ADAPT VERBAL CUES to every INDIVIDUAL dog
  • learn about importance of FREE STARTS
  • learn about the importance of FREEZE STARTS
  • learn how to adapt HANDLING to every INDIVIDUAL dog (GIGANTIC topic which covers optimal handling of collections, “ins”, “outs”,… based on the dog you have. For example, WHEN and HOW to start cuing collection should be completely different when handling POWERFUL and when handling LESS MOTIVATED dog)
  • improve you dog’s drive and INDEPENDENCE on single obstacles and later in the course
  • work a LOT on TRUST&RUN “technique”, which will help you with handling any course
  • learn about importance of CORRECT REWARDING and SINGLE OBSTACLE training
  • find the BEST and FASTEST LINES and HANDLING TECHNIQUES for every individual dog
  • teach your dog how to really run and follow your leading hand with fun and simple exercises outside the course
  • develop your dog’s INDIVIDUAL START ROUTINE (another important pre-step for optimal competition performance)
  • discuss how to best prepare your dog for COMPETITIONS (differences between WARMING up, PREPARATION before the start and START ROUTINE)
  • learn how to  SET COURSES in a way that are challenging and at the same time fluent, speed reinforcing and motivational for YOUR dog.
  • with running many courses, we will put everything we have learnt in practice

WHO SHOULD JOIN THE CLASS: due to its diverse and comprehensive program, this class is appropriate for dogs that are lacking SPEED and MOTIVATION on agility course AND also for ALL DOGS (from 8 months), with which you want to set great FOUNDATIONS and give them best possible start in agility.

WHAT YOU NEED TO JOIN THE CLASS: to successsfuly complete most of the exercises, you will need the access to 2 tunnels and 4 jumps. You also need everything necessary for successfully filming and publishing videos (the easiest is to have youtube channel).

With signing in the class as a WORKING team, you get 12 weeks of PERSONAL COACHING from me, 6 thoroughly designed exercises and videos from everything we are working on in the class (warning: some videos are almost 1h long, so be prepare for a lot of “video material”). During that time, you are able to post unlimited number of videos from your training. And based on that, we each time make INDIVIDUAL plan how to continue with your training to get the best from you and your dog.

If you join as an AUDITOR, you are able to see all the videos and exercises and you are able to post unlimited number of questions. But you cannot post your own videos and yo do not get a personal feedback on your training.

Price for WORKING team is 240€ and for AUDITORS 160€.

For more info, you can contact me on fb or through e-mail:

See you in the class! And don’t forget: “somewhere between playing, agility should happen!” 

Here you can REGISTER:


TAX is included in the price.


TAX is included in the price.

After completing the payment, you will receive registration email with all additional information (within 24 hours).


If you don’t have PAYPAL account, you can also make PAYMENT through company account: 

FUNtastic DOG d.o.o.
Tolčane 15, 1303 Zagradec, Slovenia

IBAN: SI56 1010 0005 8585 182 (Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d. d.)
Swift Code: BAKOSI2X
VAT number: SI 79768792

The address of the bank:
Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d. d.
Pristaniška ulica 14
6502 Koper, Slovenia

If you want to pay through your company, please contact us before making a payment on email: