Since I am currently on maternity leave, there will be few changes regarding RC classes! 😀

Biggest change is, that registering for RC classes will be possible through WHOLE YEAR and that coaching will be done through PRIVATE LESSONS (and not anymore as a part of the class). So it is not possible at the moment to book classical WORKING SPOTS, BUT instead you first AUDIT the class (to get access to all exercises and lessons) and then you can book PRIVATE LESSONS if you will need help and you will want from me to comment your videos. To check when dates for PRIVATE LESSONS are available, click here. This new system with private lessons allows you to get help whenever you need it and for as much time as you need it.

IMPORTANT: PRIVATE LESSONS for A-frame RC are only possible to book for students, who have already been members (as AUDITOR or WORKING student) of FOUNDATION RC class.

ADVICE: In case you plan to book private lessons for A-frame RC training and you haven’t yet audited the A-frame RC on-line class, I suggest to do that few weeks before you plan to book the private lessons, since that will allow you to get to know the program better before we even start. And since video instructions and lessons are very clear, you can also start with exercises sooner (if dog is old enough) and that will also allow us to progress faster when booking private lessons.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding RC AF class: this NEW RC AF class is open for AUDITING for ALL people interested in learning more about how to teach SAFE and RELIABLE AF! But WORKING places are reserved only for my RC DW students. So, if you have been the member of FOUNDATION and/or ADVANCED RC class (either as AUDITOR or WORKING TEAM), you can join this class as a WORKING student, otherwise you are more then welcomed to join as AUDITOR.

After teaching FUNtastic running contacts on DW, it is only logical to continue and teach FUNtastic RC also on A-frame, right! 😀  And because of that, I decided to open this  new RC class also for A-frame. In this class  we will, besides giving dog great understanding WHERE and HOW to hit, also put EXTREMELY a lot attention to SAFETY!  If you have trained RC DW by my method, I can  say that AF will really come “gratis”, but focusing on safety during training will still be very important, since AF can be a very dangerous obstacle (specially for young and inexperienced dogs) and teaching dog how to perform it safely will be our number one priority. 

So, join us on the road to FUNtastic A-frame and learn how to teach RELIABLE and SAFELY performed AF, REGARDLESS of the SIZE of  YOUR dog  and the EXIT from the AF.


APPROPRIATE for: dogs from 14 months, regardless of (pre)knowledge. I suggest dog is already training on FULL HEIGHT DW before joing this class.

EQUIPMENT needed: for the first lesson you will need to have a TARGET, “FOOD MACHINE” and/or static TOY. After that you also need an access to A-frame. We will go more into details about equipment, after you join the class.


BOOK AUDITING for A-frame RC class
(possible for anyone)

PRICE: 100 €

TAX is included in the price.

BOOK PRIVATE LESSONS for A-frame RC class (possible only for students, who have been at least the members of FOUNDATION RC class)

Private lessons are FULL until end of 2024


PRICE: 65 €,

TAX is included in the price.

If you don’t have PAYPAL account, you can also make PAYMENT through company account: 

FUNtastic DOG d.o.o.
Tolčane 15, 1303 Zagradec, Slovenia

IBAN: SI56 1010 0005 8585 182 (Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d. d.)
Swift Code: BAKOSI2X
VAT number: SI 79768792

The address of the bank:
Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d. d.
Pristaniška ulica 14
6502 Koper, Slovenia

If you want to pay through your company, please contact us before making a payment on email: